
Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

I think it’s time for me to get back to blogging. One reason I haven’t is that I haven’t had that many likes or comments lately, and everyone is saying they just want to communicate on Dramabook Facebook. But I miss the days of blogging where this is my space where you come and visit. Or that’s your space where I come and visit. And you can say so much more. So I’m going to try to get back to it. I have a couple of people who regularly comment on my posts, and I appreciate that so much. So maybe, if I start doing this more often, I can get my following back.

So what’s going on in my life?

1. I’m writing again. It’s going slowly as I get back into it, but it’s going.

2. I’m editing for clients quite a bit, but it still seems to be feast or famine. Since I haven’t had too much editing work for the last month, I’ll probably suddenly have four people wanting an edit RIGHT NOW. LOL. I want to thank Ruth Ann Nordin for always giving me plenty of time. She always plans ahead. 🙂

3. This is third on my list, but certainly number one in my heart…I have a brand new granddaughter! This makes two for the oldest son and one for the youngest son. *eyeing my baby boy*

4. I’m trying to get fit again. I think I might have mentioned, at least on Facebook, that I fried my Fitbit fitness tracker in the ocean when I was on vacation in May/June. Fitbit offered me 25% off a new one, which they didn’t have to do since I was going to buy one anyway. Great customer service! Anyway, the new one does a few more things, including telling me to get up and walk if I haven’t done at least 250 steps in that hour. And I’m doing it almost every time. You can’t argue with your Fitbit! 🙂 I’ve been tracking my food faithfully with the Fitbit app. I’ve been getting on the treadmill at home, and I finally bit the bullet and joined the gym again. My insurance will pay for it if I go at least 12 times per month. I have more energy, at least on the days I get enough sleep. That’s something else I need to work on. The Fitbit tracks my sleep; it even tracks what sleep stages I’m in and for how long. One thing I’ve noticed is that I wake up several times during the night. I usually average about 45-55 minutes awake per night. I don’t know what’s up with that, but I think I’ll try to start going to bed earlier.

Anyway, that’s my life right now.

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I hope all of you had a Happy New Year and are raring to go for 2016!

My theme for this year is FOCUS. I’ve made a little acronym for this, detailing what I want to focus on.

Using time wisely

See what I did there? 🙂

If you saw my last post, you know I have a brand spanking new Spark Planner. (I had pictures.) There’s a place to put your yearly goal, and my FOCUS acronym is what I’m putting there.

For this round, I want to finish my WIP for my Lauralynn name. I would like to start on my third mystery novella for my Catherine name, but I have a lot of editing jobs coming up, so we’ll see.

For the year, I would like to publish three novels/novellas. One for each pen name, and the other for whichever pen name calls to me. Again, we’ll see.

Fitness is going to be key this round and the rest of the year. That’s going to be my main focus. When I’m fit, I’m more productive in all areas of my life. I have more energy, more stamina.

All the words in my acronym will play important roles in my life going forward.

What are YOUR plans?

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There’s not a lot to report. Blood sugar is staying steady. I lost another 1/2 lb. this week. I’ve been doing a lot of exercise, but the past few days I haven’t felt well, so I took off a couple of exercise days.

I’m pretty happy with my progress. I would like to lose weight a little faster, but slow and steady wins the race. Well, at least in the case of the tortoise and the hare. LOL

Here’s a hilarious video with Tony Horton about Shakeology, which is what I’m drinking.

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It had been a long time since I’d used my Wii for anything but watching Netflix. You know, a very sedentary activity. I originally bought the Wii to get more fit, but in the last few years, I’ve used it to sit on my butt and watch TV.

But today, I decided to get out the Fit Board and my games. I mostly used the original Wii Fit Plus that came with my game console. I had forgotten how much I loved the Wii. I boxed, bicycled, did Yoga, did Karate, did step aerobics. I couldn’t believe how much I loved the step aerobic game. I actually worked up quite a sweat today! I feel like my motivation for fitness just came back. I’ve had this Wii for four or five years. I was surprised to find I weighed 18.5 lbs. less than I did when I first weighed on the Wii board all those years ago. Since then, my weight has been up and down, and I was pleased to find it was down this time.

Now I’m going to have to figure out when I can do this from now on. It’s easy on Saturdays because hubby is in bed after working all night. Sometimes, on weekdays, he gets up when I come home, but lately, he’s been sleeping longer. So maybe he’ll sleep long enough to let me use the TV to work out with the Wii. I plan on continuing to walk on the treadmill (haven’t lately because of a foot problem) in the mornings and doing the Wii in the evenings. I don’t want to do the Wii in the mornings because it requires set up time, and I would have to get up earlier than if I just walked on the treadmill. But I’m going to be flexible and take the time to exercise when I can.

I hope this renewed enthusiasm for exercise continues. My goal is to be able to stop taking insulin shots by the end of 2015. Exercise is SO important for diabetics. Wish me luck!

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Most of you know what kind of ordeal I’ve been through this week with all the airport stuff. I hadn’t even thought about how I was eating, and I certainly didn’t get any exercise in. But as I got on the scale at home, I had a pleasant surprise. Here are the stats. 🙂

Stats for this week:
Beginning weight: 193
Today’s weight: 167.5
This week’s loss: 1.5 lbs.
Total loss: 25.5 lbs.

On an unrelated note…my dress for the costume ball at RNConvention in Las Vegas is almost finished. I’m supposed to go by this evening and see how everything fits and get the hems figured out. I have no idea what kind of shoes I’m going to wear, so I hope the hem will be okay. For a little teaser, this is the material for the main part of the dress.


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Weight loss can be so frustrating. I’m continuing to work out with weights four days a week. I added an extra five lbs. to some of the machines yesterday, so that was cool. I’ve been walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes in the mornings. I WAS walking about 45 minutes in the evenings, too, but my foot has been acting up again. It’s usually better in the mornings, but by the afternoon, it’s hurting too much to walk. This is a chronic problem and usually goes away on it’s own in about three days. I’m also eating less and TRYING to eat better, although eating better is a slow going thing. But I’m STILL not losing weight, even with all these changes I’m making. I sticking right at the 172 mark. The scale goes up and down all week, only to settle at 172 on Fridays. Maybe I’ve just hit a natural plateau since I lost so steadily for the first 21 lbs. I saw this happen a lot at Weight Watchers when I worked there. I’m not giving up. I know it has to come off eventually. If you expend more calories than you take it, you have to lose weight, right? I just need to make sure I’m eating ENOUGH. If you don’t eat enough calories, you body thinks you’re starving it and hangs on to fat. I’ve seen this happen, so I know it’s true.

Some pretty good news. Most of you know I was upset because hubby got disqualified from a great paying position in the company he works for due to some *#&$*&#$’s who have a beef with him. And then they put him on second shift on an entry level job with low pay. Well, apparently, human resources (I expect there was some help from the union) said they couldn’t do that. So, even though he couldn’t have the premium job back, they had to let him choose from three different jobs in the plant. Now here’s where I can show you what a decent human being my husband is. There was one day shift job he could have taken, but he would have bumped several people out of their jobs into other jobs, which would have made them unhappy. So my husband took a job where there was actually an opening. He’s going to be back on third shift (YAY!) and making about the same as he was before he got that better job. Thanks to all of you who sent good thoughts and prayers our way. 🙂

I actually wrote on my WIP last night…the first time in over a month.

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Yeah, that was me totally freaking out when I got on the scale this morning. I knew I had gained a couple of lbs. on vacation…you know, all the lying around on the beach, no exercise, eating more than usual. I had weighed a couple of days after I got back. No big deal, right? But when I weighed this morning, I had gained a total of SIX lbs. What the heck?

Okay, breathe, Lauralynn. This week I REALLY worked out with weights. I pushed myself more than usual. I walked on the treadmill at home every night but one, for 45-50 minutes (long enough to watch a show on Netflix). Remember a while back when I talked about how your muscles actually filled with water when you first start working out? Oh, how I hope that’s what happened. A weight gain that fast makes no sense, otherwise. I’ve exercised more this week than I have in YEARS. That’s got to be it, right? Can you tell I’m still freaking out?

I will NOT cry. I just need to keep exercising, keep eating like I should, and the weight should start coming off. My clothes don’t feel tighter, so that’s a relief. This, too, shall pass.

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I’m not going to post stats because I’m in a big hurry. I’m trying to go on vacation tomorrow, and a bunch of stuff has fallen into my lap (not literally, lol) at work. Stats haven’t changed from last week anyway.

I went to the doctor yesterday to get my prescription for my insulin so I won’t run out on vacation. My doc is out “indefinitely” because he hurt his foot, so I saw a nurse/practitioner. She was so pretty I wanted to smack her. LOL. Seriously, she was very nice. She looked at my last A1C test and decided she wanted to do another one. It’s not high like when I first found out I had diabetes (it was over 13), but it was still 7.2 and she wants it to be under 6.5. So if this test still shows it’s high, I have to up my dosage of Metformin, which is the medicine I take in addition to insulin. It helps the insulin work better. I don’t know if she will up the dosage of the actually pill, or if I will have to take 3 instead of 2 a day. Grrr. Anyway, since my husband’s illness, I’ve been under all kinds of stress…emotional, physical, financial…and I just haven’t been as careful with my eating and exercise. So my weight loss has been at a standstill. I really need to cut down on fats. That’s my main problem. I just like so many fatty foods. I don’t like veggies much at all, and I don’t like too many fruits. I may just have to start choking some things down whether I want to or not. Bleh. Or at least make a list of veggies I DO like and concentrate on figuring out different ways to eat them. Okay let’s see, onions, cucumbers, lettuce…that’s mostly it. I like squash, zucchini, and okra…but fried. *shakes head in exasperation*. I DO like beans (legumes, not green), so I need to substitute those for meat sometimes. I need help here! Does anyone have any good recipes involving onions, cucumbers, or beans???

At least while I’m in Florida, I’ll be eating seafood instead of beef. I LOVE crab! My friend whose family is going with us owes me a couple of dinners because I sold her my cat cage, so it’s going to be crab legs, baby! LOL

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I haven’t done a Fitness Friday post since April 26. There has been so much going on that I just didn’t want to post my gains. That would be kind of depressing on top of all we’ve been through the last month or two. I got up to 175 at one point in the last couple of weeks. Anyway, it’s time to get back on track. This has to be quick because I’m at work and I have NO idea how I’m going to get everything done today. Here’s the stats.

Stats for this week:
Beginning weight: 193
Today’s weight: 171.5
This week’s loss: .5 lbs.
Total loss: 21.5 lbs.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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After all the eating hospital food and fast food, after all the stress eating, after the lack of exercise for over two weeks…I just knew my weight had to really be up. I wasn’t really worried about it, because taking care of hubby was first. I knew I could get back to taking care of me later. However…drum roll, please…I only gained 1/2 lb. Only ONE HALF. I am very, very pleased. I should have gained more. I even had four slices of pizza last night. But I’ll take that number, and I’ll work to get back on track and start losing again.

Stats for this week:
Beginning weight: 193
Today’s weight: 172
This week’s gain: .5 lbs.
Total loss: 21 lbs.

And now for the interview. I’m being interviewed today by the lovely Jamallah Bergman, author of several romances, including her latest one, The Admission. Jamallah is a wonderful lady with a great sense of humor, and I was so pleased that she agreed to interview me. So without further ado, here is the link to the interview.


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