
Posts Tagged ‘editing’

I think it’s time for me to get back to blogging. One reason I haven’t is that I haven’t had that many likes or comments lately, and everyone is saying they just want to communicate on Dramabook Facebook. But I miss the days of blogging where this is my space where you come and visit. Or that’s your space where I come and visit. And you can say so much more. So I’m going to try to get back to it. I have a couple of people who regularly comment on my posts, and I appreciate that so much. So maybe, if I start doing this more often, I can get my following back.

So what’s going on in my life?

1. I’m writing again. It’s going slowly as I get back into it, but it’s going.

2. I’m editing for clients quite a bit, but it still seems to be feast or famine. Since I haven’t had too much editing work for the last month, I’ll probably suddenly have four people wanting an edit RIGHT NOW. LOL. I want to thank Ruth Ann Nordin for always giving me plenty of time. She always plans ahead. 🙂

3. This is third on my list, but certainly number one in my heart…I have a brand new granddaughter! This makes two for the oldest son and one for the youngest son. *eyeing my baby boy*

4. I’m trying to get fit again. I think I might have mentioned, at least on Facebook, that I fried my Fitbit fitness tracker in the ocean when I was on vacation in May/June. Fitbit offered me 25% off a new one, which they didn’t have to do since I was going to buy one anyway. Great customer service! Anyway, the new one does a few more things, including telling me to get up and walk if I haven’t done at least 250 steps in that hour. And I’m doing it almost every time. You can’t argue with your Fitbit! 🙂 I’ve been tracking my food faithfully with the Fitbit app. I’ve been getting on the treadmill at home, and I finally bit the bullet and joined the gym again. My insurance will pay for it if I go at least 12 times per month. I have more energy, at least on the days I get enough sleep. That’s something else I need to work on. The Fitbit tracks my sleep; it even tracks what sleep stages I’m in and for how long. One thing I’ve noticed is that I wake up several times during the night. I usually average about 45-55 minutes awake per night. I don’t know what’s up with that, but I think I’ll try to start going to bed earlier.

Anyway, that’s my life right now.

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I’ve been struggling for a long time with writing (actually lack of), and I’ve tried some of the things that have been suggested. I’ve tried to get enthusiastic about it again. I actually sat down and wrote a little bit on my WIP (it’s been in “P” for a long time now!), the other day, but I didn’t get much done. Every little bit is important, though, right?

Anyway, I’m beginning to realize that the main problem with me is lack of sales. See, here’s the thing. Everyone says to just write for myself. To forget about the publishing part and just write. But here’s why that doesn’t work for me. I’m a businesswoman. My writing is a business. Yes, it’s something I love, but it’s also how I would like to make a living. And that’s not happening anymore. It WAS happening back when I only had a few books out. Now that I have more, and much better ones at that, I can’t sell worth a flip. I’ve had a lot of other authors tell me this same thing the last few years.

So why can’t I just write for fun for awhile? Because I don’t have time. If I can’t make it with writing, then I need to find something else to spend my time doing that I CAN make it with. Editing is a little more profitable, so I’m not giving that up. I love editing. The problem is with editing is I’m not getting enough jobs. If I didn’t have my main client, I would probably give that up, too. One of my other clients decided to stop writing with one of her pen names, so that cut her work in half.

I’ve been trying to follow the Dave Ramsey plan to get out of debt then start saving money. He always says if you aren’t making enough at the job you’re doing, then you need to find something else. This isn’t really feasible for my full time job because I’ve been here 35 years and am just a few years away from retiring. But I need a good part time job that brings in a steady income. I have readers who beg me not to stop writing. But all of these readers aren’t out pimping my books (although I have a few that are so good about that).

Another option I have is to focus almost entirely on my other pen name. I’m actually selling a little more on Amazon with that pen name. And I have some ideas in genres that sell well. Genres I can’t really write under the Lauralynn name since Lauralynn books are too dark.

I’m almost tempted to try NaNoWriMo again. Almost. I said I would never do that again. My husband never wants me to do that again. And, honestly, I just don’t think I have that much time. But I remember the excitement of the two times I did it (and finished it!). I want that excitement back so badly!

So maybe I should just forget this little pity party and just DO IT. Anyone willing to kick me in the behind and tell me to stop whining? 🙂

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This whole round has pretty much been a bust when it comes to writing. I’ve done a LOT of editing for clients, though.

Here’s what I need to do. Yes, I still think I need to put my clients first because that’s what they’re paying me for. However, I shouldn’t put my writing at the very bottom of everything. I think I’m maybe doing it on purpose because it’s been so long since I’ve written anything that I’m afraid. I don’t know for sure what I’m afraid of, but I FEEL afraid when I think of my WIP. I need to get over that and get back to work.

So, having said all that, I want to be ready to get things done next round!

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A day late again!

Nothing to report on the writing front. I hope to dive back into that this week.

I just finished an editing job and immediately got another one. That’s how I like it…one job at a time. 🙂

I need to be walking because that JDRF Walk is coming up Saturday, and I’m so out of shape! Last year, I had been walking a lot before the event, but this year…not so much. Again, thanks to the two people from this blog who donated to the cause.

I feel like I’ll never catch up on things I need to do. Do you all ever feel like that?

Signing off!

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ROW80 Update 4/6/16

I almost didn’t post because I didn’t really have much to say. But one of the things I really want to try to do is make sure I check in when I’m supposed to.

I didn’t state my goals when the round began because, quite frankly, I’m still not sure what I want them to be. I’ve had some setbacks this round, and part of it was due to being sick for quite a while. I’ve had no energy, and I’ve been coughing like crazy. Then pleurisy. That’s all a lot better, though, and besides, I’ve already talked about all that. I’ve also been on a three book editing job, and that’s taken up a lot of my time.

So…I know I want to get focused back on my own writing and find a way to juggle all the things in my universe. I’m neglecting so much. I want to get back to writing in my Spark planner. I’m doing that at work, but not so much at home.

Maybe by next check-in, I’ll have a better idea of what I want to accomplish.

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I keep skipping the check-ins because I feel like I’m not making much writing progress. I did get some words in earlier in the week, so I’m feeling good about that. But I need to be writing at least five days a week.

Here’s my dilemma, and maybe y’all can give me some advice. I do line editing for a few different authors, and I feel obligated to work on that FIRST. I have deadlines for them, and I want to make sure I meet those deadlines, and honestly, I like to get it done BEFORE the deadlines. I always put my clients before my own writing. One reason is they pay me better than Amazon. LOL. The other reason is that I’ve always tended to put others before myself. What I need to do, I think, is set aside a certain time for clients and a certain time for me. The problem is, after I work all day, it’s hard to have the energy to do both. One thing that helps me a little bit is that I do a lot of editing during my lunch hour. I usually still have a lot of energy at that time.

So…suggestions on being more productive?

Btw, Ruth, I promise I’m not complaining! 😛

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The good news is that I finished two editing jobs, and I have two more currently going. I also have more lined up for later, so I’m pleased with that.

I haven’t been writing as much as I should, so I need to ramp that up. It IS helping that I now have a laptop in my office that STAYS in my office. So I have to go in there to work. The laptop in the living room is for playing (which I haven’t had time for).

I’m on Day 6 of the 21 Day Fix. Out of the 17 meals I’ve had so far, only two of them were “cheat” meals. I haven’t skipped a single day of the exercise, even though it’s really, really hard. I’ve lost 2 1/2 lbs, which averages to about a 1/2 lb. per day. I’ll take it.

Overall, I feel pretty good about the week so far.

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I’m feeling accomplished today. Why? Because I spent ALL DAY yesterday working. I was editing for a client (actually finishing up one and working all day on the other), and I got things done. AND I finished edits on my second mystery novel (on another pen name) that has been sitting there waiting for me to finish that. It should have been done a long time ago, but I just didn’t have time. I just sent it to my mom, who is my last line of defense against errors. Somehow, she always catches little things my editor and I miss. Go figure. AND I wrote for about 20 minutes on the sequel to Soul of a Vampire. I love Saturdays where I don’t have to do anything but my work.

Also, I started the 21 Day Fix on Friday. The food part is hard because I don’t get as many carbs as I’m used to, and I have to eat nasty vegetables. Bleh. And I’m staying pretty hungry, but I’m sure I’ll get used to eating less. The exercise is kicking my butt. Friday was Total Body Cardio, and yesterday was Upper Fix. I don’t know how I’m going to do Lower Fix this evening since I can barely walk. I just took some ibuprofen for the pain. But I’m going to get through this 21 days, then I’ll be used to eating smaller portions.

So, yeah, I’m feeling pretty good about my accomplishments. 🙂 How are y’all doing?

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Even though I don’t have a whole lot to report, I’m trying to keep on my blogging schedule. So here goes.

I got some more words in on the sequel to Soul of a Vampire. I asked for help on my FB author page for the title. Check it out.

I had a reader do a little pimping for me yesterday (I didn’t ask, she was just kind enough to offer), and I got several page likes because of it. Love those loyal readers! Now I have to get the sequel out because she’s waiting for it. 🙂

I got a little editing done this week for a client. I’m going through some harder stuff checking on timelines, so it’s a little slow.

I hope I’m going to have money to pay for the cover of this sequel when it’s done. We talked about doing the cover early so I can be inspired, but that’s probably not going to happen. She needs to work on the ones she can get paid for first. 🙂 Soon, though.

How are y’all?

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I’ve determined to try my best to post an update twice a week like I’m supposed to do. I’ve found I do SO much better when I’m sponsoring a round. Even if there’s not much to say, I can at least check in.

I haven’t started back to writing on my sequel to Soul of a Vampire yet. We’ve had a revival at church this week (through yesterday), and I just can’t write after it get past 8:00 or so. I have a morning brain, which still works okay if I write as soon as I get home from work. I’ve been using all my free time editing this week. Tonight, my mom, my mother-in-law, and I are going to see my new (3 1/2 week old) granddaughter, so tonight will also be a wash. I did my editing during lunch so I would have some of that done. Writing will resume tomorrow night. I’ll be able to edit AND write if I use my time wisely.

Oh, and I bought a new laptop to be used just for writing and editing. That way, that one can stay in my office, which will force me to actually WORK in my office My old laptop will stay in the living room and be used for recreation. The new one has a bigger screen, which will help with the seeing. 🙂 I got a KILLER deal on it. $299! (And yet my credit card is groaning.)

Another goal of mine is daily exercise. So far, so good on this front.

How are y’all doing?

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