
Posts Tagged ‘marriage book’

It’s been five months since my last post…. That sounds almost like the start of a confession, doesn’t it? In my last post, I was talking about how bad my mom was but that I still wanted to start writing again on my other pen name.

So here’s what’s happening. My mom is MUCH better. In fact, they are talking about possibly letting her go home in the near future. Her mind is back to what it should be. Her physical ailments are much better. She’s picked up a few other physical problems, but not anything we can’t deal with. Some of this is part of old age. She’s 83. But she doesn’t look it! And she has her stubbornness, her sense of humor, and her drive to “do things herself” back. She’s made some friends at the nursing home, eats dinner in the dining room instead of in her room, and takes part in games and functions. I’m so ready for her to come home. I live two doors down, and my brother is next door. Plus, my nephew has been living in her house and has it all cleaned up for her. He can help take care of her when she comes home.

As for writing. I’m really trying to get the drive back to write again. I’m trying to write that third book in the trilogy, but my heart isn’t really in it. Instead, my heart is telling me to write that book I thought about a long time ago that was a non-fiction book about marriage. There’s a couple we’re really good friends with at church, and the man told me yesterday that there are so many books about marriage written by men or a husband/wife team. He said there are so few written from a woman’s perspective. This guy got me enthused about that book again. I’ve had an outline for a long time. I don’t usually outline fiction (I tried it and it doesn’t work for me), but a book like this needs an outline since each chapter will be a different subject pertaining to marriage. The reason this project scares me a bit is that it’s not just fiction, but it’s something that could be really important if done right. So…can I do it right? I would sure like to try.

Anyway, that’s what’s going on with me. What’s going on with you?

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