
Posts Tagged ‘creating’

Writing Again!

This past Saturday, I sat down and wrote over 3800 words! The story has been in my head for a while, and it just flowed when I started actually writing it. I was really happy because I’ve been unable to make myself write for a long time now. This isn’t going to be a Lauralynn story. It’s on my other pen name. But never fear. I also have one for Lauralynn floating around in my head. I might try to write both at once. I’ve so far been unsuccessful in writing more than one at a time, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying!

I’ve also gotten involved in crocheting, which has been a joy for me. When I’m around yarn at Hobby Lobby or anywhere else, I’m like a kid in a candy shop. It’s a hobby that relaxes me, although I wish I had more time for it and everything else.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I will continue to be creative.

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