
Archive for February 19th, 2012

There’s not a whole lot going on with the writing. I’m 2/3 through proofing the novella collection for print. I’ve put my garden gnome horror story (still no title) aside for just a little while so I can look at it with fresh eyes before starting major edits. The Christian romance is going okay. Exercise isn’t going as well, but I’m trying to plod on with that. I’m way too sporadic with it.

Also, I want to thank all of you who responded so kindly to my silliness a few days ago. I should not have gotten my feelings hurt about that whole Valentine’s giveaway thing. However, that silly post actually got good results, although that really wasn’t my intention, LOL. Several people, some ROW80ers and some not, not only responded but also tweeted and blogged about my giveaway. Soon, I had a bunch of people requesting my free books. I want to say a special thanks to Ruth Ann Nordin, C. M. Hubbard, and Stephannie Beman for going that EXTRA mile to get the word out about my contest. I also want to thank my lovely cover artist Anya Kelleye for posting my giveaway on Jimmy Thomas’ wall on Facebook, since he’s the cover model on all the Libby Fox novellas. 🙂 All of you that tweeted or blogged about my giveaway, I’m SO grateful to all of you! And there will be more giveaways in the future! 🙂

I wanted to mention another benefit I got from all the blog love. I found some other books to read! Some of the commenters either wrote books I want to read or mentioned books they like on their blog. I’ll say more about that in a post sometime later.

I hope the rest of you had a great week!

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