
Posts Tagged ‘free books’

Can anyone even answer that question? I’m not sure I can. I know a lot of authors give away free books in order to get readers interested in buying their other books. This sounds like a sound strategy, right? But does it work? I’ve tried it a few times, and honestly, I haven’t seen much of a surge in sales. Even giving away for free the first in a series doesn’t always mean a boost in sales of the others in the series. Not for every author, anyway. And I think I know the reason for this. I’ll have to admit, I’m one of the guilty readers. Here’s what happens with me. I find all these free books, enough of them that it’s overwhelming. Some of these books are beginnings of series. If I do ever get around to reading the first in a series, that doesn’t always mean I read the NEXT book. Why? I think it’s mostly because I have, you know, all those other free books on my Kindle. So by the time I’ve read some of those, I’ve forgotten about that other book and that other author. Occasionally, there is an author that just blows me away, and I have to get more and more of his or her books. That’s happened to me with a couple of free books I’ve gotten in the past year, and I’m going to post about that author later, but this is the exception to the rule. Bad me.

So what’s the answer? Everyone always says “write a good book and they’ll come”. Well, the problem is, there are a bunch of books out there. And many of them are good. How does a reader slog through them? How can you get YOUR book in front of people for them to even decide if they like it? So you HAVE to do some marketing. So what’s the best way to do this without being obnoxious (like constant blasts on FB or Twitter)? I don’t know the answer.

So what do you all think? Have “free” promotions boosted your sales? I’m thinking about a giveaway on my blog in the near future involving free ebooks and something cute that would go along with the book. But will it help with sales? Although I love giving away freebies and interacting with other authors and readers, the bottom line is…well…the bottom line. If I want to make a living at this some day, things are going to have to change. But how? Only the Shadow knows. (Some of you may be too young to understand that last statement. LOL)

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Okay, I’ve been acting like a big baby over this. And it’s so totally out of my character, I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I’m a very easy going person who lets most things kind of roll off my back, and I rarely let things get me down. I’ve had some hard days at work, so that might have added to my angst, but it’s no excuse for feeling the way I have been.

You see, I didn’t check in yesterday for ROW80 because I was hurt and discouraged. Why? Because my last post was about a Valentine’s giveaway (it runs through Saturday) for three free books, my Libby Fox series…and NO ONE requested the books. NO ONE. I had two authors drop by and say hi, but they didn’t ask for the books either. I do appreciate their comments, though. And I do realize that a lot of the people who follow my blog already have my books. I found that out when I did my birthday giveaway. But I would have thought at least one or two people would ask for the books. I noticed that there were a couple of other people giving away books and weren’t having much luck either, so maybe I’m not alone. But when I see a free book giveaway, especially when all you have to do is comment, I usually jump on that. I’m actually SELLING the books, so I guess I shouldn’t be hurt over no one wanting them for free, but it just hit me the wrong way, I guess.

Anyway, it was silly for me to get so upset over this. Really silly. And I’m sorry for that. I don’t know why I felt like I needed to even post about this; I guess I just needed the outlet. And it’s MY blog, after all. LOL. So I hope to get back on track and do a ROW80 post on Sunday. I’ll surely be back to my old happy, optimistic self by then. I guess we all have bad times every once in awhile. I was due one. 🙂

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Happy birthday to me…happy birthday to me…..

Wait…is it my birthday? Why, yes it is. But the really cool thing about it is that I’m giving SOMEONE a gift for MY birthday. What gift, you ask? Well, everyone who comments on this post TODAY will be entered into a drawing for my entire ebook collection. That’s right, the winner will get coupon codes from smashwords.com for ALL of my novels and novellas. That’s nine books. Free. But you have to comment TODAY to enter, so take a minute to do that. Also, please remember to include your email address so I can email the coupon codes if you win. Happy birthday to you…um…me! 🙂

By the way, my short story, The Beast in the Mirror, is already free on smashwords.com, so go ahead and download that, too!

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